全球需求疲软导致德国化工出口预期下降时间:2023-03-01 据安迅思伦敦2月23日消息,德国伊福经济研究所(Ifo)2月23日表示,德国化工企业对出口前景再次感到悲观,出口是德国化工企业的一个重要的市场。 2月份Ifo出口预期指数整体跌至3.8点,低于1月份的4.1点。 Ifo表示:“德国化工行业再一次发现自己的幻想破灭了,在今年开局乐观之后,德国化工企业现在预计其出口业务只能保持稳定,而不是增长。这同样适用于德国食品和饮料制造商。在金属行业,持怀疑态度的声音明显减少;然而,国际销售还没有出现好转的迹象。” 根据Ifo的数据,2月份德国汽车、机械设备和家具等其他石化密集型行业的出口预期也有所改善。 Ifo总裁克莱门斯·富斯特总结道:“然而总体而言,全球需求疲软目前正在抑制人们对德国出口的希望。” Ifo出口预期是根据大约2300份制造商的月度报告编制的。企业被要求报告他们对未来三个月的出口预期,他们可以用“增加”、“不变”或“下降”来描述他们的预期。 庞晓华 摘译自 ICIS 原文如下: German chemicals export expectations fall on weak global demand – Ifo Germany’s chemical companies have renewed pessimism over prospects for exports, a vital outlet, research institute Ifo said on Thursday. The overall Ifo Export Expectations index fell to 3.8 points in February, down from 4.1 points in January. “Once again, the chemical industry finds itself disillusioned: after a promising start to the year, companies now expect their export business to hold steady,” said Ifo.“The same applies to food and beverage manufacturers. In the metal industry, there was a noticeable drop in the number of sceptical voices; however, an upswing in international sales is not on the horizon.” According to Ifo, export expectations in other petrochemicals-intensive sectors such as automotive, machinery and equipment, and furniture had also improved in February. “[However, overall] Weak global demand is currently dampening hopes for German exports,” concluded Ifo’s president, Clemens Fuest. The Ifo Export Expectations are based on around 2,300 monthly reports from manufacturers.Companies are asked to report their export expectations for the next three months, and they can describe their expectations as ‘increasing’, ‘unchanged’, or ‘declining’. |