
《化学工程与装备》《(Chemical Engineering & Equipment》(CE&E)是国家新闻出版总署批准出版,公开发行的化工类学术期刊,被中国知网(cnki)《中国化工文摘》及美国《化学文摘》(CA)收录。本刊由福建省化学工业科学技术研究所主办,福建石油化工集团有限责任公司主管,创刊于1972年,月刊,ISSN 1003-0735,CN 35-1285/TQ。





时间:2023-03-02     作者:中国石化【原创】










李峻 编译自 烃加工


Kuwait to ramp up refined products exports from the 615,000-bpd Al Zour refinery

Kuwait is set to ramp up refined oil product exports from its new Al Zour refinery in the second half of 2023 to plug shortfalls in Europe and meet growing demand in Asia and Africa, industry sources and analysts said.

The much delayed 615,000 barrel-per-day (bpd) refinery is one of several new complexes coming online this year across the world to churn out more oil products and cool refining margins from record levels last year following the disruption of supplies from top exporter.

Kuwait is boosting oil products exports to Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas after Western sanctions reshuffled energy trade routes globally.

The OPEC producer is expected to reduce crude exports and crank up product shipments as it starts up another two crude distillation units (CDUs) at Al Zour later this year to operate the refinery at full capacity, the sources said.

Al Zour, designed to process medium-heavy crudes, started up the first 205,000 bpd CDU in September, is currently running at between 70% and 80% of its capacity as it stabilizes production, a source familiar with the matter told Reuters.

Kuwait's key refined products exports hit an all-time high of 17 million barrels in January, up 30% on the year, as Al Zour shipped more fuel oil to the Singapore Strait, diesel and jet fuel to Europe, and naphtha to South Korea and Japan, Kpler data showed.

Consultancy FGE expects Al Zour's second CDU to start up in March or April while the third one could come online by August. The three CDUs are of equal capacity.

"Full impact to the products market will likely be felt in H2 2023," FGE's Asia refining head Ivan Mathews said.

The Al Zour refinery is operated by Kuwait Integrated Petroleum Industries Company, a subsidiary of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, which did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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